Roz, I think you captured how a lot of us feel.
I was a closet germaphobe to start with, now I practically need a sedative to go somewhere.
I've decided to and not to get the vaccine 40 times, then decided to because work pays me for it and I want to travel, then decided to wait until I moved, because lots of people told me they felt bad the day after.
Now I've moved and I'm back on the fence. This will pass. I will decide to get it and make an appointment. Not at Publix! They gave Gov DeSantis a big donation to get the vaccine contract.
But which one? My daughter was in the Moderna trial and she did OK, so I should get that one, right? Or the Pfizer? I really only want one. So the J&J right? But what if I get blood clots because I'm a girl?
And I already got Covid in April 2020. I couldn't get a test because I didn't have respiratory distress and wasn't dying, but I still can't taste anything. So will that make the vaccine worse? On a molecular level, how does that work? If I'm immune from exposure, will I get the cytokine storm if I get the vaccine?
It doesn't stop...