Thank you for this informative piece, Frieda!
I first heard of Big Sugar and Harvard’s lie from Dr Mercola years ago. Currently, because of his opinion on Covid and mass immunization, Dr Mercola is banned from Facebook and other social media networks.
My father, who was a physician, advocated for Big Sugar’s lie and passed it to me. Thanks to Dr Mercola, I learned the truth of high carbohydrate diets, but it’s just now seeping into mass consciousness.
And it’s not just diabetes and weight gain that sugar promotes. Sugar is the underlying problem in many chronic conditions, including cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
Most cancer cells are “obligate glucose uptake” cells, meaning glucose fuels the cancer.
This Harvard-study-promoted-low-fat-high-sugar diet lie supplies all the fuel these chronic conditions need to flourish, helping Big Pharma, Big Sugar, and the industrial food complex to make huge profits at the expense of our health!
Don’t get me started! I could go on for hours! Lol. Gotta go to yoga! Thank you, Frieda!