Well said, Izzy.
Alcohol is a neurotoxin and poison.
The general consensus is an occasional drink is okay, only because of the history of alcohol and its acceptance in society.
However, even one drink is still one drink of a neurotoxin and a poison.
As a publicly admired figure for Dwayne Johnson to have the need to make even more money in an industry the literally destroys families and takes lives is beyond disappointing.
And marketing it on Oprah as a gift. Ewww.
Of course, each of us has a personal responsibility to manage our own addictions. Mr. Johnson cannot be held responsible for the behavior of others.
However, I believe you are correct in the moral conflict he presents.
He makes it cool to drink tequila and profits from those who do, many of whom have an addiction.
And why? For money.
That says more about him than his amiable personality ever can.